we create a complex lead generation system which is able to generate at least 250 qualified leads per month for your B2B companies

we know, how to generate sales flow even in very narrow target audiences with digital channels:

  • no
  • some
  • leads
  • sales
contact us

Our clients

Our results

  • 100 mln

    qualified marketing pipeline generated in 2 years for our clients

  • +70.000

    registrations in B2B narrow audiences in the last 2 years

  • 46%

    average valid share of all registrations in narrow B2B audiences

  • +44

    average return on marketing investments (ROMI)


Our approach

what does a customer journey to purchase looks like?


we model the customer journey by dividing it in a few stages depending on the readiness to purchase level

  • no need
  • solution search
  • comparison
  • testing
  • purchase
  • repurchase

all differs on this stages: customer needs, his context and behavior, relevant interaction tactics & content, KPI and much more.

we are sure that the main long-term goal in the B2B marketing is to move communications to earlier funnel stages

  • 95-97% prospects are there
  • 5-10% competitors are there despite this
  • x2-x3 lower cost per lead (CPL)
  • you increase the conversion to a sale due to an earlier start of communication

what we do for high performance:

  • a target audience definition which allows us to make accurate offers, content & campaigns
  • a customer journey modeling for different audiences allows us to make correct offers in correct points
  • quality content design & efficient digital platform which both provide high conversion rate from traffic to leads
    why is it so important?
  • advanced ads campaigns & systematic work with rapid audience burnout helps us to maintain high performance for a long time
  • analytics throughout the funnel and the reduction in the data processing cycle for fast campaigns optimization & budget savings

The lead generation system for advanced B2B products is almost always a searching for gems in tons of ore. We know, how to build it.

  • we know how to work with narrow audiences and systematically prevent their burnout;
  • we have a deep expertise of any lead generation campaigns: offline and online events, products, HR, content etc;
  • we know how to work with a long complex funnel & design a customer journey according to it;
  • we build analytical systems to make data-driven desicions;
  • we have completed more than 50 projects in the field of business automation;
  • we know how to work with large budgets & advances clients