
Effective co-marketing for the two largest IT-vendors


Microsoft (B2B) / One of the largest software companies

Project goal

Lead generation for a combined offer of the two largest IT-vendors to implement SAP solutions in Microsoft Azure IT infrastructure.

Target audience

C-level executives of large companies:  CIO (Chief IT Officer), СТО (Chief Technical Officer)

Main challenges

Our goal was to generate leads for the Microsoft Azure public cloud, which can host SAP solutions. The main challenge was to convey the right value of the combined offer to the right segments of the target audience at the right time.


What was done

What was done


Client’s proposal analysis

We analyzed the customer journey and realized that IT infrastructure choice occurs at 2 main points during this customer journey:

  • at the stage of working on the project details, to understand exactly how the IT landscape will look like in case of purchasing a business solution;
  • at the main stage of substantive negotiations on the choice of a business application (SAP solutions).

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    The lead generation system for advanced B2B products is almost always a searching for gems in tons of ore. We know, how to build it.

    • we know how to work with narrow audiences and systematically prevent their burnout;
    • we have a deep expertise of any lead generation campaigns: offline and online events, products, HR, content etc;
    • we know how to work with a long complex funnel & design a customer journey according to it;
    • we build analytical systems to make data-driven desicions;
    • we have completed more than 50 projects in the field of business automation;
    • we know how to work with large budgets & advances clients