
11.924 valid leads for high ticket B2B IT-vendor


SAP / The biggest IT-vendor for business in the world

Project goal

10.000 leads from the target audience

Target audience

Enterprise companies top management (sales, marketing, purchases, finances, HR, IT, supply chains etc.)

Main challenges

The main challenge of the project was a high level of KPI, which had to be achieved despite the small size of target audiences, the complexity of the solutions being promoted (high and medium av.check), and the small amount of valuable content in the main product areas. This target number of valid registrations meant a two-fold increase in the previous year’s performance, which was considered very successful. 


What was done

What was done


Digital strategy

Based on the experience of previous campaigns, we knew that we would not be able to achieve the set KPIs with the same ad campaign settings due to insufficient targeting at the right stage of the client journey.

Because of that, we decided together with the client to target all the funnel stages and designed the ad campaign based on these inputs in mind.

We defined the stages of the customer journey that we were targeting with our ad campaigns, and created content, relevanted for those stages, the interaction scenarios and, very importantly, the system of managing the audiences, which allowed us to store the audiences properly , warm them up and ensure high performance at each stage of the funnel.

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    The lead generation system for advanced B2B products is almost always a searching for gems in tons of ore. We know, how to build it.

    • we know how to work with narrow audiences and systematically prevent their burnout;
    • we have a deep expertise of any lead generation campaigns: offline and online events, products, HR, content etc;
    • we know how to work with a long complex funnel & design a customer journey according to it;
    • we build analytical systems to make data-driven desicions;
    • we have completed more than 50 projects in the field of business automation;
    • we know how to work with large budgets & advances clients