
Pilot project for consulting lead generation without large investments in infrastructure


SBS Consulting / One of the CIS market leaders in strategic consulting

Project goal

Launch a pilot for lead generation campaigns on a small budget

Target audience

C-level executives and CEOs of medium and large businesses

Main challenges

The main challenges in this project were the client’s lack of experience in digital channels and no available materials, as well as a very limited budget for the pilot.

The main task was the prompt preparation of the entire project infrastructure, campaigning, hypothesis testing and demonstrating the result for scaling digital activities in the future.


What was done

What was done


Market and Audience Analysis

First of all, we analyzed the client’s proposals, his target audience and available materials. Based on that analysis we chose one of the most popular services on the market  which we could use to quickly create high-quality content for advertising campaigns. We also chose all available advertising platforms that could meet the promo budget and which had our target audience.

Value proposition preparation

Since our client had no experience in digital channel promotions and no accumulated data we advised him to start from promotion through the cold part of the funnel. It was important for us to use a value proposition that could reinforce our offers and improve the response to advertising.

We requested all useful documents from the client, and together we settled on the topic “How not to lose business control”. We received from the client 3 draft documents on this topic from which we had to create high-quality content.

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    The lead generation system for advanced B2B products is almost always a searching for gems in tons of ore. We know, how to build it.

    • we know how to work with narrow audiences and systematically prevent their burnout;
    • we have a deep expertise of any lead generation campaigns: offline and online events, products, HR, content etc;
    • we know how to work with a long complex funnel & design a customer journey according to it;
    • we build analytical systems to make data-driven desicions;
    • we have completed more than 50 projects in the field of business automation;
    • we know how to work with large budgets & advances clients